Intellectual Capital Management

Leading the transformation to a knowledge society by preaching the value of intellectual capital management and practicing it together

We are practitioners of intellectual capital management

We see a company as a tree, and the roots of the tree as invisible values, including human capital. Our goal is to create a rich ecosystem (=Willpower Forest) where each tree gathers and strong wills resonate with each other, transcending the boundaries of wisdom. Good trees come from good roots. ICMG Group is a future co-creation company that accelerates future co-creation by bringing together leaders with a “Forest” mindset and Willpower to connect with each other and create a rich soil (Foundation) together.

Intellectual Capital Management Model

Human Capital Creation

Perceiving “Human Capital” as the starting point for envisioning and implementing value creation

Since our founding, we have based our business on the core belief that “all value is created by people”. Human resources are recorded as a cost on the income statement. However, they are the most significant capital for creating value. We perceive “Human Capital,” not reflected on the balance sheet, as the starting point of value creation, and by strategically enhancing and linking them to outcomes make a pivotal role in sustainable corporate growth throughout society.

We liken our corporate activities to the ecosystem of a tree: elevating the strengths of people and organisation(representing the tree’s roots) into our business model, and through its practical application, we grow value as a “fruit”, thereby achieving sustainable corporate growth and creating societal value. This is the “bottom up” flow of the tree visual.

Empowering individuals is not only vital for businesses but also significantly impacts an individual’s life journey. By refining a leader’s core beliefs and determination - their ‘Willpower’ - we aim to elevate and ignite practical wisdom, encourage societal contributions, and support actions that lead to tangible results and societal implementations. This very essence defines

the value of the ICMG Group. We will continue to believe in human value and support “value creation through Human Capital”.

Co-Creation and Investments for Society

Co-create and implement values that lead to common social good and resolution of social issues

There are limits to value creation and sustainable growth within an individual company. We redefine our purpose beyond the company’s individual vision, emphasizing the importance of a broader societal purpose. We have defined the following three items as our Purpose Agenda:

  • Digital Transformation: Inventing a collaborative society of people and digital technology
  • Social Transformation: Creating a new social ecosystem
  • Green Transformation: Behavioural innovation toward a decarbonised society

In addition to the bottom-up approach of “value creation through Human Capital,” it’s also crucial to gather stakeholders to perceive businesses from a top- down perspective, considering societal value, societal issues, and the common good. We, as a company that implements the three Social Purpose Agendas, will proactively develop our own business ventures. Based on our practical knowledge, we will support “Co- Creation for the Social Value” by businesses through collaborative project promotion and investments in startups in Japan and Asia, including India, contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.

Willpower Forest Ecosystem

Purposeful Wills Resonate to Flourish a Fruitful Forest, Embracing Transcended Wisdom

Social Transformation

Creation of a New Social Ecosystem

Solving local social issues at deeper levels. The Mt.Fuji Future Center was established in 2024 in partnership with Yamanashi Prefecture, as a place where circular local economy models are created. Co-creation across industry, government, and academia, will lead to amplification of a more sustainable and intrinsic social implementation.

Digital Transformation

Inventing a Collaborative Society of Human and Digital Technology

ICMG Digital gathers the strengths of the ICMG Group, such as digital solutions, design, and engineering, and will oversee entire processes from the formulation of purpose, vision, and management strategies to their execution and implementation, offering new and innovative values to all.

Green Transformation

Behavioral Innovation for a Decarbonized Society

A new partnership has been formed with Aircapture, a leader in Direct Air Capture technology (DAC) to halt the rapid progress of global boiling. We will expand our partnerships at home and abroad, with industries, governments, and academics, to resolve these difficult issues facing mankind, with the goal of recovering 60,000 tons/year of CO2 by 2030 and achieving social implementation of more than 10 negative emission projects between 2024 and 2026.

Future Center

A Place Colleagues Converge, Influence, and Co-Create

We build communities where leaders across organizations and regions gather, connect, and co-create. Co-creation/hands-on programs that transform societies and corporations. Management/business/HR leaders of major corporations, ventures, local companies, and social entrepreneurs create new social values together.

Human Capital Creation

Value Creation from Human Capital

We will create true leaders that look beyond corporate growth/development to deliver true value to society. Refining human wisdom, conviction, and will, and investing in the execution of purpose, vision, and value creation. We will commit further to global programs to co-create social values from a wider perspective and continue to produce output that offers value.

Co-Creation for Society

Promoting a Co-Creation Project for Tomorrow

We support entrepreneurs who will create our future society, achieve CX (Corporate Transformation) at major corporations and support accelerated growth of both. The ICMG Group not only creates strategies but also connects willful leaders and stakeholders organically to work alongside them in the process leading up to implementation.

Investments for Society

Creating Social Value from Global Investments

The ICMG Group’s cumulative funds have exceeded 10B yen and empowered communities, co-created with Japanese corporations, and built startup ecosystems through investments. We will expand the stage further from Southeast Asia and India and go beyond to the global south including the Middle East and Africa, creating co-creation opportunities between the next unicorn companies and Japanese corporations.

Our Yearly Integrated Reports and Publications.

ICMG's intellectual capital, and the value creation stories from it.

Introduction to intellectual capital management

2024 Willpower Report

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2023 Willpower Report

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2022 Willpower Report

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Imagine. Innovate. Interact. Connect to Co-Create.

Becoming innovation partners to co-create the future